Our Line of Liquid Fertilizers

We are confident you will find the Twin State line of liquid crop fertilizers to be superior in quality and value. Below is a summary of each of our liquid product lines and a link to click through to learn more.

Corn rows.

Emerging seedlings have different needs than mature thriving plants and need a liquid starter fertilizer to help promote early growth. Explore using a liquid starter vs. a dry starter or no starter. If you need help narrowing down your starter fertilizer options, then this is the page for that as well.

Use low salt fertilizers (aka pop-up starters or seed safe) when the starter is going to be placed directly on or in close proximity to the seed. They can be placed directly on the seed at 3-to-5 gallons per acre and offer agronomic benefits.

Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plant uptake and growth. Where liquid sulfur fertilizer dominates over dry is flexibility and placement options. Since your cropping systems are always changing, liquid fertilizer allows for maximum application flexibility and use for the growing plant. We distribute a high-quality liquid sulfur fertilizer that can elevate your yields to the next level of crop production.

Liquid suspension fertilizers provide a more nutrient-dense product to meet crop nutrient demand when applied at suitable rates. When coupled with a fluid starter application, you provide a “one-two punch” to meet the full P and K needs of the growing corn crop. Our suspension fertilizer is a concentrated blend of N-P-K + micros that handles like a milkshake, rather than a clear liquid.


Our liquid nitrogen fertilizer solutions are used to feed the plant nitrogen (N) along with adding nutrients like potassium and sulfur to enhance crop growth. Nitrogen solutions offer flexible use options that can increase efficiency through timing, placement and concentration of nutrients. This principle, coupled with the 4 R’s of Nutrient stewardship – Right Source, Right Time, Right Rate, and Right Placemen can make your program bulletproof.

Reduced Cost

Our traditional starter fertilizers enhance the development of emerging seedlings by supplying essential nutrients near, but not on top of the seed. When applied at least two inches away from the seed, you eliminate the instance of salt injury to the plant. Adding micronutrients at this stage can also help nutrient uptake.

More On Liquid Fertilizers & Starters​

We have endless reasons as to why liquid fertilizers are superior and starters are necessary but you probably don’t have all day for that! Here are some of the top reasons to go liquid.

Nutrient Combining

A feat nearly impossible for their dry counterparts, liquid fertilizer can combine specific nutrients needed for diversified row crops. Save time and labor costs by combining nutrients and reducing the number of application trips.

Uniform Composition

Each drop of liquid fertilizer contains the exact same amount and ratio of crop nutrients for the intended plant.

Superior Placement

Your cropping systems are ever-changing and liquid fertilizer allows for maximum application flexibility and use for the growing plant. Some call this being “spoon-fed” and that’s a good thing (in this case, anyway)!

Absorption Efficiency

Liquid fertilizer is better absorbed into the plant.


Liquid fertilizers can also adapt to the size of your field.

Reduced Cost

Reduced material handling and application costs.

To that list, add that Midwest crop rotations have changed from having a good mix of corn and soybeans to being more corn-intensive. This change creates a challenge with the soil being poorly drained and colder, reducing corn yields. The Fluid Journal’s 2010 research concluded that “many of the early growth and yield problems associated with corn after corn could be eliminated by using conventional tillage (i.e. moldboard plow) in combination with fluid starter fertilizers.”

Maximum yield is the number one goal of most, if not all, growers. High volumes of quality crops that sell for premium prices is the clear path. Precise nutrition – i.e. choosing the right fertilizer and starter – is part of that ROI equation. Rate and placement are also key components.

Because liquid fertilizers can combine specific nutrients for diversified row crops, your crops become more profitable. Reduced application trips mean reduced material handling and application costs, saving on time and labor. Fertility products made easy for your crops. It’s truly that simple!

Crop Profitability

Maximum yield

Commitment to Customer Service

We believe in face-to-face business with a firm handshake. If that’s not possible due to COVID-19, then we’ll do the next best thing and call you directly. We are in it to make customers, not to make sales. That being said, we’ll always bring you timely deliveries of quality products at competitive prices. We believe trust and honesty are how relationships are built. Our Twin State team of professionals works daily to provide farmers with the best fertilizers and services. You can call or email us anytime and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
A green tractor pulling a fertilizer tank on a field.

The Twin State Advantage

For more than 60 years, Twin State has insisted on offering farmers only the best products using the highest quality ingredients to be used in our production process. Products that are designed to handle easily, safely, and provide an economical option for your crop nutrient needs.

We’ve got the knowledge and research condensed down for you. Based on that, we can tell you which product we think works best early in the growth stage of your crops and where to procure it in your local area.

Give Jake or Del a call regarding your fertility program and applying starter fertilizers. We can help you navigate your product choices and placement options to best fit your operation.

Email Del

If you have any questions about fertilizer sales in Iowa or Minnesota, Del can help you out. Fill out the form below to send him a message.

Contact Del Tjepkes

Email Jake

If you have any questions about fertilizer sales in Illinois or Wisconsin, Jake can help you out. Fill out the form below to send him a message.

Contact Jake Standal