For your safety and per OSHA guidelines, Twin State provides Material Safety Data Sheets for each fertilizer chemical. Hazardous ingredients for each product are listed, plus physical and chemical characteristics (whether it’s flammable, explosive, etc.), and its effect on human health, chemicals that can have an adverse reaction, handling precautions, type of measures that can be used to control exposure, emergency and first aid procedures, and methods to contain spills. The goal is a reduction in on-the-job chemical source illnesses and injuries. Click on the links below to download each fertilizer Safety Data Sheet as a PDF.

Sulfur & Nitrogen-Sulfur Blends

green tractor pulling a yellow fertilizer tank in a field.

Please keep your MSDS sheets readily accessible to all employees while on duty in a fashion appropriate for your workplace. Whether hard copy, electronic soft copies or both, as long as employees have access when needed, any system that works for you can be employed.

In order to ensure that you have a current MSDS sheet for each chemical on the farm as required, and that employee access is provided, the compliance officers will be looking for the following types of information in your written program:

  • Designation of person(s) responsible for obtaining and maintaining the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS);
  • How safety data sheets are to be maintained in the workplace (e.g., in notebooks in the work area(s) or in a computer with terminal access);
  • How employees can obtain access to them when they are in their work area during the work shift;
  • Procedures to follow when the MSDS sheet is not received at the time of the first shipment;
  • For producers, procedures to update the MSDS when new and significant health information is found; and,
  • Description of alternatives to actual data sheets in the workplace, if used.

For employers using hazardous substances, the most important aspect of the written program in terms of MSDS sheets is to ensure that someone is responsible for obtaining and maintaining the MSDS sheets for every hazardous chemical in the workplace. The list of hazardous chemicals required to be maintained as part of the written program will serve as an inventory. As new chemicals are purchased, the list should be updated. Many companies have found it convenient to include on their purchase orders the name and address of the person designated in their company to receive MSDS sheets.

Penalties can be steep so be sure to follow OSHA guidelines!

Email Del

If you have any questions about fertilizer sales in Iowa or Minnesota, Del can help you out. Fill out the form below to send him a message.

Contact Del Tjepkes

Email Jake

If you have any questions about fertilizer sales in Illinois or Wisconsin, Jake can help you out. Fill out the form below to send him a message.

Contact Jake Standal